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Bréco Bird Scaring Buoy

Ecological disasters are costly and oil spills are a major threat to the safety of seabirds.  Whenever an oil spill occurs, generally less than 5% of contaminated birds can be captured and only about 50% of them are saved through cleaning.  The high cost of cleaning birds has been well documented and in some cases has exceeded $30,000 per bird.

A World First....                

The Bréco Bird Scaring Buoy offers the best deterrent technique on the market. 

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Designed to follow an oil slick or to be anchored to a contaminated shoreline.
May be used day and night in fog, wind or storm.
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Quickly installed, the Bird-Scarer goes to work emitting sounds that keep seabirds out of a .5 mile (800 meter) radius for three consecutive days.


Since its beginnings in 1996, the Bréco Bird Scarer has been the subject of field tests and studies to further improve its efficiency.  Recently redesigned, this product now offers:

Sounds produced at a high intensity: up to 130 dB;
Diversity of sounds including bangers sounds and alert calls of gulls, dabblers and geese;
Signal length of at least 2 minutes and ideally 3.5 minutes and more to facilitate deterring birds over larger distances;
Variety of sounds included in each signal: 10-12

This unique product is recommended by the Canadian Wildlife Service for use early during the deterring operations.

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Modified: May 25, 1999